There's been a lot - I mean A LOT - of beautiful photos in the past week.
Did you really think I wouldn't post them?
You all know I have a major girly crush
on Ashley Greene.
I pretty much wish we were BFF.
Well I wanted to note:
she looked freakin fantastic in this dress.
Too bad we're not BFF.
Then maybe I could have borrowed it
on Ashley Greene.
I pretty much wish we were BFF.
Well I wanted to note:
she looked freakin fantastic in this dress.
Too bad we're not BFF.
Then maybe I could have borrowed it

I seriously cannot get enough of Remember Me
filming photos.
I'm like, in love with them.
Annddd I his subtle smiling at her in this photo
I seriously cannot get enough of Remember Me
filming photos.
I'm like, in love with them.
Annddd I his subtle smiling at her in this photo

Is this not the cutest freaking thing
you have ever seen?
My ovaries totally just danced.
you have ever seen?
My ovaries totally just danced.

Hello Sexy
You don't even have to be doing anything
and you are the absolute sex.
Plus your little mini co-star is freaking adorable.
You don't even have to be doing anything
and you are the absolute sex.
Plus your little mini co-star is freaking adorable.

I know.
You miss KStew.
You're not missing much tho.
Her hair is pretty gross right now.
You miss KStew.
You're not missing much tho.
Her hair is pretty gross right now.

You make drinking coffee look like it should be in porn.
You make drinking coffee look like it should be in porn.

I can't even verbalize what this photo does to me.
I can't even verbalize what this photo does to me.

I think this chick is gorgeous.
I'm not really a Lost fan.
I've seen it a few times.
I think she's fantastic on it.
I think I want her to also be my new BFF.
Plus, she's super hot with Rob.
And doesn't have a black mullet.
The End.
I think this chick is gorgeous.
I'm not really a Lost fan.
I've seen it a few times.
I think she's fantastic on it.
I think I want her to also be my new BFF.
Plus, she's super hot with Rob.
And doesn't have a black mullet.
The End.

Is Rob's fly open in the second-to-last picture??
Teehee :)
"My ovaries totally just danced" is probably my favourite line ever.
I cracked up seeing that. :)
Hope you're having a great time in Boston!
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