note: this is what I would call a blog drabble. I wrote it out of spontaneity at 1:00am. i'm not even going to bother to proof read. because im lazy like that tonight.
Remember me?
That girl that supposedly has a great blog but totally FAILS at keeping it updated sometimes?
That girl that has seen Breaking Dawn four times in theaters yet still hasn't posted her "OMFG BREAKING DAWN HEADBOARD SEX UNF" post.
Hi - I'm here. That's me. And I'm sorry.
I'm not even going to make excuses. Because you guys are AWESOME and you deserve better than excuses.

times 1,0000000
But really.
Since Breaking Dawn - la vie est crazy. Not belle. CRAZY. There has been insane amounts of work being accomplished towards my real job read: salaried career my freelance work read: getting paid to do the really fun stuff and side projects I'm beyond excited about read: my other new blog that will tell ridiculously crazy stories so good, I may need to start getting guys I date to sign waivers.
So trust me. Fun stuff is ahead. And I swear one day I WILL give you my thoughts on Breaking Dawn. Because holy fucking hell (and I don't fbomb on here frequently so you KNOW i'm clearly pumped just thinking about it) - THAT MOVIE OWNED ME LIKE WOAH.
And who cares if there was stupid wolf banter that was cringe worthy? Who cares if there was still that awkward dose of cheese? EDWARD BANGING BELLA INTO THAT HEADBOARD TO TURNING PAGE?
Soooo. We'll talk soon about THAT, mmkay?
In the meantime, as a reputable (or at least I like to think so) source of fanfic recomendations here at Take me to Bliss I feel it is my DUTY to tell you about the fic that basically owns me right now. And I'm not going to lie. Considering a year ago next week - the Plan owned my life, body and soul - I was starting to have my doubts whether ANYTHING would pump me up this holiday season.

The Cellar by @iambeagle is one of those fics with short chapters that pack every damn punch you need to float around the room and flail your ass off for hours after reading. It is nothing but fluff and as someone typically drawn to angst - I WANT THIS FLUFF AROUND ME ALL THE TIME. It's complete with two more Christmas chapters to come (BECAUSE HI HOLIDAY FANFIC IS THE BEST)
The story is simple. Boy meets girl. Timeline easy. 12 hours. Events are epic. One night out on the town changes everything.
Basically YOU need to read NOW.
just do it.
and then tell iambeagle that she is awesome so she writes more.
and more and more and more and more.
Until next time - which I promise will be before Christmas - sending mad love to you all. xo