Ladies & Gents.... Its Oscar Night! In my opinion, quite possibly one of the best tv nights of the year.
After what proved to be an unforgettable Golden Globes award show in January, I wasn't exactly super excited for the Oscars. The Golden Globes have certain aspects that make it almost better than the Oscars BUT with all of the amazing movies out there right now, I think this years Oscars are going to be GOLDEN.
two words : Slumdog Millionaire
Just saw the littlest actors on the red carpet and they pretty much made my night. I want this movie to take the gold, so so SO freaking badly.
two more words : Robert Pattinson.
Mentally prepared to *swoon* over him followed by downing my sorrows in Ben&Jerry's because he will never be mine.
Jennifer Aniston is presenting, in the presence of Angie & Brad. That has JUICY written all over it. Guaranteed Jen will kill with her gorgeous looks and Angie will be all like 'BITCH'. Brad will be totally thinking 'ugh, I'd totally get with her again if I wasn't a daddy with twenty gazillion babies'. Meanwhile John Mayer will be mentally writting his next song about Jen.
Kristen Stewart is rumored to be presenting too! My Bella & Edward reunited at the Oscars. They will totally find a way to makeout somewhere's in the Kodak Theatre.
Anyway, the red carpet is far too beautiful for me to look away from right now, so I will end this post with my list of Oscar Predictions.
Oscar Post Tomorrow! I'll either be absolutely devastated because all of my favorite movies lost or ridiculously excited and jumping off the walls because the Oscars were AMAZING.
I WILL be continuing to *flail* over Rob Pattinson's sexiness.
Crystal's 2009 Oscar Predictions For Awards She Actually Cares About
Best Picture - Slumdog Millionaire
Best Actor - Mickey Rourke
Best Actress - Kate Winslet
Best Director - Danny Boyle
Best Supporting Actor - Heath Ledger
Best Supporting Actress - Marissa Tomei
Best Animated Film - Wall-E
Best Original Score - Slumdog Millionaire
Best Original Song - 'O Saya' Slumdog Millionaire
Best Sound Editing - The Dark Knight
Best Makeup - The Dark Knight
Edit: *flails*

1 comment:
R Pattz looked so gorgeous :)
Plus, the actress from India - LOVED her dress! That blue is so pretty :)
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