oh . my . god .
What an AMAZING night. Honestly, I was absolutely glued to the tv from 7pm until 1am. Half a jar of salsa, half a bag of tostitoes, and half a tub of icecream later, I was BLISSFULLY happy with the way the evening went. I couldn't have been more excited if I had of been there.
ok.. well that's a lie. but you know what I mean.
Where do I even begin?
Red Carpet 2009:

Robert Downey Jr. Where do I begin? I was never really a fan of you. I didn't see Iron Man : apparently I should have and apparently you were awesome in it, for this please forgive me. Your crazy sex addiction aside, you looked pretty darn good last night at the awards. Your wife? Gorgeous! I think it's obvious WHY you're always thinking about sex.

Pennelope Cruz. One word. BEAUTIFUL. I loved her vintage dress.

Little Miley Buckteeth Cyrus. You know I don't like you. I honestly cringed when I saw the trailer to your latest movie last week. Speaking of which, your comment on the red carpet about how next year you hope to be at the Oscars for 'your' movie because it's going to blow everyone away and is actually very deep and TOTALLY Oscar worthy.
PLEASE. Go play Hannah Montana with Joe Jonas and get over it.
PS: I did love your dress. The press may have hated it. It may be on the Worst Dressed List. But I loved it. And so did Brittany Leeman. And really that's all that matters.

I did not know you were married to Leslie Mann who is honestly, so underrated. She is hallarious in all of your movies and I love love love her. You two are cute. Kthx.

Beyonce. I do not like you, nor have I ever. You did not help matters by wearing a curtain to the Oscars. That is all.

Let the Show Begin.....
I will try to be as brief as possible. I apologize because knowing me. It will be the farthest thing from brief.
Hugh Jackman - you done done done me. and by that I mean you rocked. Anne Hathaway, I did not know you can sing. You blew me away. Please keep singing. Kthx.
How beautiful was the set this year? Honestly! So elegant.

John : I did. I did. Can we go make love like I describe in one of my million songs now?
Jen : Ok but did you see Brad totally wanting to boink me again because I haven't popped twenty gazillion babies out of me?
John : I did. Now let's go make love. I'll never let your head hit the pillow without my hand behind it.
First of all. The camera cutting to Angelina and Brad when Jen was presenting pretty much MADE my night. Angelina throwing her head back laughing and smiling. Seriously? Jen Aniston is SO much hotter than you. Get over it.
Wall-E winning Best Animated Film only confirmed what I already know. I have to watch this movie. I'm just not looking forward to crying through the whole thing cause I totally will.
Best Makeup. *coughs* excuse me? Did you not see The Dark Knight and how Heath Ledger looked scary and not sexy? Yes. You only made Brad Pitt look old. That's not that hard, is it?

Ben Stiller. You crack me up. I love you. Joaquin Phoenix take note. We don't like the retired you, please come back to your normal hotness.
Jessica Biel. Get a hairdresser & a stylist.
Pineaple Express Sketch. oh. my. god. Not only is this one of my favorite movies, I never in a million years expected ANY mention of it at the Oscars. This pretty much made my night [on top of Jen getting snarked at by Angie and Rob being sexy behind Mickey Rourke]

Some may have asked where my least favorite person in the world was last night. Tom Cruise. My response to that is 'Tom Cruise realized not only did his movie suck but he's basically an idiot.'
The rest of the night from Sound Mixing on pretty much turned into Slumdog Millionaire night. Bam. Bam. Bam. I was NOT complaining!

Sean Penn. I am happy for you. I wanted Mickey Rourke to win because his dog died and I felt bad for him but I'm glad you took home the gold and your speech was wonderful. I cried. So thx for that.

LASTLY, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. So so SOOOO excited. Ok so that picture was technically Danny Boyle winning Best Director. Oops. But I'm sure THAT was your similar reaction to your movie winning Best Picture. If you have not seen this movie, please go see ASAP. It's truly magnificent.
And that my dear friends, was me being 'brief'. Atleast the Oscars are only once a year. I could have gone on for hours about how truly great this years show was. Even Oprah today said that she has been watching the awards since she was 10 and this was by far the best year yet. I will be *squeeing* about it for days to come.
So until next year - when I'm sure Hannah Montana will be up for Best Picture - thats it for Oscar Post 2009!

Lastly, because I loved it so so so much.
Totally agree with you on the Beyonce and J Biel comments...Biel apparently did her own hair, and it looked tragic.
And you will love love LOVE WALL-E! Cutest movie ever. WALL-E and EVE rank up there with Bella and Edward as best fictional couple :)
I know, I need to watch it. It's just going to be like Lilo & Stitch for me. I cried everytime Stitch was on the screen.
OU FASHION!! Ok, let me give you my rundown of my faves!
#1 > Penelope Cruz, oh my lord I drooled over that dress all night! 60 years old?! Wow, so in fashion and such a perfect colour and fit. Amazing!
#2 > Natalie Portman. I thought everything about her was gorgeous! LOVED the colour of her dress (finally something not in the white/grey family)
#3> Anne Hathaway > Please eat a burger...that being said, how gorgeous did she look? (Also didn't know she could sing! You go girl)Again, the dress was the popular colour for the night and the popular mermaid style but had such unique sequin type things on it. My only complaint was that she did not fill out the top very well.
4> SJP > Hair = ridiculous, Dior Couture = amazing. Loved loved loved her dress. And again with the white family! And hello cleave.
5 > Taraji Henson > Again, white again, sorta mermaidy...but SO gorge! What a fit...and that Fred Leighton NECKLACE! My god.
6 > Freida Pinto > loved the coulour, loved the sleeve, loved it all! She is so beautiful! Must see this movie.
7 > MILEY! hahaha I thought her dress was great! I saw it on all sorts of worst dressed, course I also saw Heidi Klum's on a best dressed (puke). Anyway, I thought it was great red carpet glam and she looked really pretty!
8 > Marisa Tomei ...oh hey! silvery white again! Gorgeous dress though, such detail!
I didn't mind Beyonce's House of Dereon dress actually, but it was way too tight on her and she was majorly lacking in bling.
Angelina > I wished she had worn something not black, but girl looked fierce and I would kill for those earrings and ring.
Ok wow long winded, I won't even get into the worst dressed!
Definitely see Wall-E! I just watched it again on the weekend, love love love.
Yay for a great Oscars!! I cried so much I had a headache! haha
Lovin' the blog!
xoxox Brittany
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