Freaking out, excited that it was casting related or some early released promo photo done by the studio, it turns out that it was this.

So this ladies and gents is the Official title art. Which I might add, aired on Entertainment Tonight hours ago.
Sorry you lose MTV.
I will say this. I'm not sure how I feel about adding in the whole 'the Twilight saga' thing. We obviously know which book saga its from. I DO like the color though.
In other Twilight news today, OK Magazine released an article on upcoming things to look forward to in New Moon as its slated to begin production in March. Which I'm starting to seriously doubt because apparently the script isn't finished which confirms my biggest fear that this movie will be rushed for the sake of keeping the teenie boppers happy.
Apparently Rob Pattinson WON'T be singing in this movie/soundtrack * tears her heart out *
Does he not understand how many times I listen to 'Let Me Sign' and 'Never Think' on repeat? Please RPatz. Your perfectly dark and painfilled voice in 'Let Me Sign' honestly still gives me shivers.
Also would someone PLEASE tell us if Dakota Fanning has signed on or not? She's always 'blah blah blah I'd love to play Jane!' or 'Yay Twilight.... Oh no, I haven't ACTUALLY read the books'
A. definite. answer. please. And if it's no? Tell me WHO will play Jane. And Aro too while you are at it.
I end this post with a very quick but hallarious recap of New Moon - in case its been awhile since you read it. sorry its tiny - its as big as blogspot will let me make it :(

That recap was EPIC!
Hahaha, I bet the reason they added "Twilight Saga" into the title was so the people who didn't bother to read the books and instead went to see the little talking pictures would understand that yes, Twilight is a series.
Oh, and I care about werewolves!! So take that, Edward. Jacob was a good friend, and so loyal! And super hawt!
the absense of edward in new moon made me appreciate him so much more :P.. I wonder what they will do in the movie. I'm sure they want him in it as much as possible..
I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link
Your New Moon recap FTW!
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