Sunday, September 4, 2011

This Week in Photos - Vacay Edition

That time I failed miserably at updating on a Friday.

I was on vacation.

But then I failed at posting the following Friday.

I was moving into a new apartment.

HOWEVER. I am now back from vacation and moved into said amazing apartment - sooooo here we are.

As promised.

A SPECIAL edition of This Week in Photos.

ALL my original photos.
please ask before stealing any.
then it won't be stealing.

For the past few summers, my mother and I have been going on summer "mother-daughter" road trips. I'm an only child. She is the coolest mom. We have the perfect relationship - like woah.

So naturally, our trips are always epic.

2011 summer road trip was NO different.

So for your enjoyment, here are the best of the best photos from two days on Grand Manan Island followed by three days south of the border in the USA at Old Orchard Beach, Maine.

First Stop - Grand Manan, New Brunswick

If you live on the East Coast and have never been to Grand Manan - DO IT. You do not know what you are missing. No really, you don't.

Deep Cove

Southern Head Cliffs
My absolute favorite spot on the island

"If you're a bird, then I'm a bird."
Favorite Quote Needed to be Re-enacted

Swallowtail Lighthouse

A baby whale rolling over
for real.

whale tails

"Arm's spread wide on the Starboard bow!"
i'm on a boat.
for always.

Chucks at Sea

tails tails tails

After two incredible days in Grand Manan, we loaded up the car and continued our adventure to the USA/Canada border and into Maine where we drove down to Old Orchard Beach for three nights.

A place I fell madly in love with.

Once you see the pictures, I think you will too.

Pit Stop.
Giant Moose.

Good Morning
Love Old Orchard

Morning Bird


Believe me.
It IS a shore thing.

The Pier
Feels like Santa Monica


Games Games Games
Horse Racing - Adventureland Style


New England Clams

Random Photoshoot

Eat Your Heart Out Pam Anderson

Rides Rides Rides


Ferris Wheel
With Love,
From Old Orchard

And that my friends, is a summary of our perfect little summer getaway.

BUT before I say goodbye, ONE last thing.

YESTERDAY was the fabulous Kate's ( @kate_suena ) BIRTHDAY. As you all know, I love this girl madly - MADLY. So please all leave her some love and some belated birthday wishes for an incredible year. She deserves it.

And Kate? Thanks for being not only a Twitter Bestie but a Real Life one too. J'taime xo

I miss it.

[A/N: Now that summer is finished read: mother nature feel free to keep dishin the summer weather well into October please So are my This Week in Photos posts. The intent was always to keep them going all summer, ending with the summer vacay edition. Well, it's been delivered and I guess this is the end. Thank you for all the mad love for the posts - it was always a pleasure to post once a week, an easy, low maintenance post that was usually fairly painless. I will try and think of something new for the fall and moving into the winter but until I do, I'm going to concentrate on my other personal blog/website that I am starting this September hopefully. As well as concentrating on some freelance work I've begun on the side. BUT never fear - take me to bliss isn't going anywhere SO if Rob and Kristen come out to play - you can be sure I will too. Until then, see you all on Twitter @takemetobliss xo]

1 comment:

D Lebel said...

I miss your blog C and can't wait for the new one!! In the mean time I've been reading my 2nd fav blog (after yours of course.. hihi) You should check it out!!! Its a Lauren Conrad colaboration... Hope you like it!!!
From one Hills fan to another!!!