We are 8 days into the New Year and I have updated this blog once. Oops.
My deepest apologies.
While I wish I could *promise* that I'll update more frequently, I can't, because I begin another new exciting contract for work in a week's time which I'm sure will keep me busy.
And you know - force me to act like a 26 year old again since I will be turning 26 in, like, 14 days.
But I will promise that I will update as best I can. Good? *nods* Good.
Let's begin.

I saw Leap Year tonight and while I expected it to be just another chick flick, I have to say, it made my heart do a little more fluttering than usual and my eyes well up a little more than I would have liked; happy tears of course.
If you do not have a Y chromosome, I suggest you GET to the theatre and go see this movie. Unless you hate chick flicks with happy endings. Then don't. But if you're like me and every so often enjoy a good, romantic, love story that restores all faith in romance, do yourself a very huge favor and go.see.this.movie.
oh ps- Matthew Goode is the epicness of hotness. I promise.

-Lover you shouldve come over
-I know we could be so happy baby (if we wanted to be)
-I know its over
-I know we could be so happy baby (if we wanted to be)
-I know its over
I swear the universe helped Jeff Buckley write these songs because it knew they would come in handy for me in 2010. Thanks Universe.


I'm out - time to listen to Buckley and fall asleep on account of the late night musings of last night.
Haha, I think you are the only girl I know who is positively inspired by romance movies :) Who is Matthew Goode, anyway? Is he new?
PS this is Ashley writing from Chris's computer!
do you think fifty shades will get me an echo charlie balloon if i ask nicely? :)
Niki - the things I would do for an Echo Charlie!!! I'm so happy you began reading motu... it pretty much controls my life and existence now...
Chris (Ashley) - Matthew Goode was in Watchmen and a handful of other movies. As an Irishman? Zomg.
hahaha, every time i get an email i get really excited to see if its the new chapter posted yet! then no matter where i am, i stop what im doing and read it.
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