I love when I want to blog yet the universe fails to really deal me anything worthy to blog about... And then suddenly

And it's Christmas come early.
Up until eight hours ago, there were only a few things really worth talking about from this week.
Sure Kristen and Rob arrived in Vancouver.... And I realized I may have to STAY in Vancouver when I have my layover returning from Hawaii on March 17th and basically never leave. Yes?

But I hate that jacket.
Of course there was a Kristen picture but considering she ran and covered herself; I'm not posting it. Rob CLEARLY strutted his stuff in his MTV Jacket to take the attention away from Kristen which is why I am giving you all the pleasure of enjoying him in such a sexy jacket. Please note Sarcasm.
Also this week, we learned that THIS pretty face would be playing teenage Renesmee.
Also this week, we learned that THIS pretty face would be playing teenage Renesmee.
To whoever FOUND, CALLED, CASTED this girl - you win x 1000000000.

Like seriously. This girl IS Rob & Kristen and it's SCARY.
Then tonight, the universe delivered.

To the individual who probably lost their job for tweeting this photo; I can't really feel bad for you. You are working on the TWILIGHT SAGAS FOURTH & FIFTH movie. Have you learned NOTHING about the power of the fans? ANYWAY. Thank you. You did GOOD.
But one picture of Rob/Edward in the snow filming in Canada is not what REALLY got me flailing tonight.
Oh no.
When I checked Twitter after MAYBE an hour of absence, someone had to go to Starbucks, I witnessed history in the making. ACTUAL tweets with hashtags such as #AmishRob #AmishEdward and tweets that looked like
"Amish Rob killed Twitter."
When you say Amish - two things come to mind.
ONE is this:
When you say Amish - two things come to mind.
ONE is this:
you KNOW you will be singing this for the rest of the day
The other is this:
Which then makes me think of THIS:

Which basically causes me to laugh for days because Bill Murray is the SHIT.
But what REALLY comes to mind when I think of the movie that was a staple of my childhood, is simply THIS:

THAT was my introduction to the life of the Amish. That and of course Weird Al Yankovic. Clearly both age appropriate at the time and sound role models. Read: not.at.all.
What am I trying to say here?
NEVER in a million years did I ever imagine myself day-dreaming about being seduced by a Mennonite in a fucking buggy until Vanity Fair HAPPENED.

I mean - is this real life?
Because honestly....
I'm about to roadtrip to Pennsylvania.
Because honestly....
I'm about to roadtrip to Pennsylvania.

I don't even KNOW what you're doing
But you make it look good.
But you make it look good.

please ignore octopus man to the right
and concentrate on skinny tie Rob in the center
And because honestly - there can never be too much
and concentrate on skinny tie Rob in the center
And because honestly - there can never be too much
Now please excuse me while I go dream about having sex with Amish Rob. Don't judge. You're totally all doing the same right now.

MAD Mucho Love goes to @tiybor
for ALL of the beautiful edits in this post.
If you are living under a rock and
are not familiar with her Tumblr...
This is Your Brain On Robsten
it's like crack served on a silver platter from Tiffanys.
[A/N: Well everyone. Now that the eagles have landed in Vancouver and the release of Water for Elephants is quickly approaching, things should stay pretty frequent and pretty around here. I'm expecting at least one MAYBE two posts before I leave for Hawaii on March 3rd but I make no promises.
I have revamped the take me to bliss tumblr so feel free to follow it takemetobliss.tumblr.com
I have revamped the take me to bliss tumblr so feel free to follow it takemetobliss.tumblr.com
And lastly, to all of my girls who help me keep my sanity on a regular basis in this crazy world and even crazier fandom - youcompleteme xx]
*bounces around in chair* AMISH ROB FTW!!!!!!! That man can make anything look good. #Legit. And I seriously could not concentrate after those pics came out. I kept checking twitter every 5 minutes to see if new pics had come out. P.S. A behind the scenes vid is a MUST!
The first pic in the post...the little girl with her arms wide open saying "HOLY SHIT!" pretty much made me spit my drink out. HI-LARIOUS!
By the way, when you said, "...you win x1000000000," I literally sat that and tried to figure out what number that was. <---weird much?!? yes.
And that older Renesmee, um gorgeous! Perfect casting. SHE.IS.HOT!
forgot something! lol
The skinny tie...yes, I UNF for skinny ties. Don't know if you ever watch Bones with David Boreanaz, but he wears skinny ties. And I die each time. When J went to get fitted for his tux for the wedding, I was literally looking around the store for a skinny tie. Sadly, no go. :-(
hold up hold up. WHY is there a teenage Renesseme? (or however you spell it) WHY!?!? Is there going to be some future flash scene in this?
omg. Annie L is one original photographer! Without wanting to be rude to Amish people, I usually don't find them very...hum.. attractive? (To make them feel better: I'm not attracted to blond men. there. -->but there is some exception! Like, Ryan Gosling.*cough*)
OK. All this to say:
Mister P look divine with this hat with the "natural surrounding". I'm glad they left the little "curls" tho. (omg. that would have been hilarious. Now I kinda want to see it!)
Again C:
Always a pleasure to read your Bliss :)
Love youuu! XO
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