Not gonna lie.
This post doesn't EXACTLY have a purpose.
No fanfiction rec. No major R/K news to report. No PSA you need to know about.
No - this post is purely dedicated to PEOPLE WHO ARE HOT.
But first - a little recap of what exactly I have been up to lately as I'm sure some of you who follow me on Twitter may have been shaking your heads.
I suffer from WANDERLUST.
def: an impulse, longing, or urge to wander or travel

the pretty
Seriously. I go REALLY stircrazy if I stay in one place too long.
So naturally I wasn't even back from Hawaii for a week and I wasplanning my next vacation which took me west to visit my childhood bestie, her husband, and their beautiful six month old daughter Sawyer - I know. I'm in LOVE with her name. Bestie & Hubby were HUGE Lost fans.
So FOUR days in the Western city of Calgary meant lots of time with bestie, far too many cuddles & kisses with little Sawyer, and because I couldn't NOT go see the owner of a piece of my heart....
ONE epic day in Banff
I did a Vlog.
Of course visiting Banff with a six month old baby means hiking a mountain is KIND of out of the question BUT I was fortunate enough to be part of Sawyer's FIRST HIKE. Considering bestie and hubby are like outdoor enthusiast extraordinaires (duh they live an hour from the freaking Canadian Rockies) - THIS was a really big deal for me to get to be a part of it.
The maiden voyage of little Miss Sawyer into the mountains took us on a BEAUTIFUL hike of Johnston Canyon. Where there was a GORGEOUS waterfall.
no big deal
Yeah. I think I could probably give up the ocean to live there.
Banff 2011
Of course no trip out west is complete without taking advantage of the chance to FINALLY meet the FABULOUS @kate_suena
No seriously.
THIS really happened
real life moment makes me cry
Of course two days with Kate wouldn't be complete without the following:
(inside a mall)
Something Borrowed - Together
(inside a mall)
(inside a mall)
A Casino
(inside a mall)
Sea Lions
(inside a mall)
(OBVIOUSLY inside a mall)
(inside a mall - seriously)
Sam Bradley
(not inside a mall)
he wore a beanie
it was basically perfect
Yes. When the universe decided to throw Kate and I into the same city for two days, it certainly wouldn't settle for an adventure that was anything less than incredible. Honestly. To any stranger who saw us together - you would think we'd known each other for years.
Two days. Two very perfect days I'll treasure until the next time.
BUT did I mention I DID get her to agree to a guest post? Want to know ALL the juicy details surrounding the Sam Bradley concert, how we met a take me to bliss follower, and oh yeah - HOW WE MET SAM?
A Crystal & Kate Collaboration Post is Coming
Now. Didn't I say something about HOTNESS?
Yeah. Thought so.
Without any further banter, ramblings, shenanigans; I give you a picspam of hotness. You can thank me later when you've picked yourself back up from the floor.
Max & Emily
You all know my loyalty of hottest couple ever lies with R/K.
That being said.
These two give us in public what we are only BEGINNING to achieve with Rob & Kristen.
Kristen Stewart
Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
Whenever I see the word OUTTAKE in my feed - my breath hitches.
And when I see the words ELLE OUTTAKE - priorities SHIFT.
I could stare at all 100 outtakes for days and try to force you to the same.
Instead I will just give you my favorites.
Because I'm nice like that.
And spread the love.
perfection x 100000000
Robert Pattinson
Remember that time Rob did a Vanity Fair spread and it was fucking epic?
please love the photoshoot that keeps on giving
compliments of pattinsonlife

this will ALWAYS be my FiftyShades
Those really did happen.
And lastly - want to see something that is NOT HOT?
This scares me.
Not two ways about it.
[A/N: This is gonna be a long one.
FIRST: I am in the process of either creating a NEW blog read: i'm NOT replacing this one, merely making another one that won't revolve around R/K/Twilight/UNF'ing as much. Why? Because, as some of you know or may not know, i'm a psychology/marketing grad. Weird combo. I know. My current job utilizes my psych background but my real passion lies in Marketing & Social Media. which explains why I manage this blog, two twitter accounts, a FB page, a Tumblr, Instagram, and GoWalla account (did I mention I just created a Pinterest account last night after receiving an invite?) Yeah. I'm crazy. SO. I have decided I will either make this blog a little more neutral (read: less fangirlish) OR create a second blog which I hope all of you will check out!
SECOND: I am totally considering dipping my toe in the Vlogging pool. I think there might be a trial run this coming weekend on a camping trip using a Super 8 App that records videos in a vintage Super 8 film camera kinda way. SUPER cool. So watch for that!
THIRD: Do you follow @Rachel_B123 ? Have you ever visited her blog "You Just Can't Google Everything?" If you havent - dude what are you waiting for? She updates regularly. Has super fun interactive posts. Always has great photos (especially vacay photos) and she is three followers shy of 200. What am I sayin? Obviously haul ass over there, check out her blog, and tell her I say hello!
LASTLY: to the incredible @MusingsOnOther who is leaving for Mississippi to help soothe and comfort those left in the wake of the devastating storms ripping through the south as of late - I will be thinking of you EVERY day darling. Stay safe and bring light into the lives of those who have been in darkness ever since.
And as always, thank you to @j_carroll7 and @tiybor for having such amazing tumblrs where I can always find the perfect picture for each post AND @kate_suena - until we meet again xx]
hehe! Thanks girl!!! :-)
We should discuss an East Coast LTT BD release party/movie viewing meetup! Thoughts?
I like to pre-pre-plan for things.
Awww loved the post:)
This is going to be a quick msg, since it's almost midnight and I have to drive back home to pack for our fabulous camping trip tomorrow! yay! Fundy, here we come!
I love everything about this post!
Well, maybe except for that Twilight Illustrated Guide cover. (What's up with that?)
First: how do you always look so cute?? I do not look like that when I'm hiking. C'mon spill your secrets.
That photo of you and Kate hugging is precious! I so glad you guys had fun!! Also, your malls are way more fun than ours. (I might need to reconnect with that family I have in Canada. JS.)
Elle Kristen + VF Rob = perfection
I love that your friend named her daughter Sawyer! Such an adorable name for a baby girl.
I have a deep love for Banff. <3 So beautiful. Your pictures make me miss it.
Vanity Fair & ELLE are truely gifts that keep on giving. *sigh*
It was so great meeting you & Kate! So increadibly random! You guys are awesome! :)
I look forward to your vlogging adventure! I'm going to have to check out this Super 8 app!
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