Remember that time that the MTV Movie Awards were pretty much MADE by Rob.... And Kristen looked beyond gorgeous... And Jason Sudekis owned hosting?

Inappropriately Hilarious Rob? CHECK

Gorgeous Kristen? CHECK

Sudakis being awesome? CHECK
How do I put THAT into one post?
I don't even know WHERE to start. As I write this, I seriously haven't decided if I should just go award by award OR just get straight to the point...
Screw it.

I know that I went into the awards wanting, hoping, WISHING, Twilight wouldn't win everything. Because let's face it, we have TWO more movies to go. If Twilight keeps winning we'll be lucky if MTV doesn't cancel the award show because its totally just become the Twilight Awards READ: obviously they WONT but you get what I mean.
BUT let's face it - when Rob won Best Actor right away, followed by Best Fight not long after - which SERIOUSLY - Inception deserved to win that BUT Rob made up for it with THIS classic line...
"I bit your head off and now you're pregnant."

WHICH led to this ABSOLUTE perfection of a facepalm delivered by Kristen:
OWNING the Facepalm
SO I'm not entirely complaining that Rob won Best Fight. And preggo Bryce looked really pretty and Xavier was the usual fuckhawt - like woah.
But - wait, where was I going with this? OH. RIGHT. As SOON as those two awards went to Rob (ESPECIALLY Best Fight) I knew it was about to become -the Twilight Awards.
But - wait, where was I going with this? OH. RIGHT. As SOON as those two awards went to Rob (ESPECIALLY Best Fight) I knew it was about to become -the Twilight Awards.
But by the time the Best Kiss award rolled around, well, it was pretty hard to complain about the Twilight trend. Because let's face it. If Rob and Kristen DIDN'T win - there would have been hell to pay.
BUT did he REALLY have to kiss Taylor?

This time around it was ME going like THIS:
The only aspect of this unexpected acceptance speech which did happen to please me was Rob's perfect delivery of the words
"I'm wanna take you backstage"
*clears throat*
At least the time you DID spend on stage with Kristen resulted in these gorgeous captures...

I suppose I'll forgive him.
Why? Because soon after we went through a few other less important awards read: ones twilight wasn't nominated for, Rob delivered absolute fucking perfection when it came time to award the lovely Reese Witherspoon with her MTV Generation Award.
"I didn't cut you out. But I did fuck you!"

Seriously. There is nothing I love more than inappropriate (YET SO APPROPRIATE) droppings of the F-Bomb. THIS was absolute perfection. And Reese seemed to eat that shit up.
(except oh WAIT - we all saw it EIGHT hours earlier)

Kristen "Rob EVERYONE watched it - where were YOU?"
I'm pretty sure that when the trailer dropped online, I was at work. And I'm pretty sure the door to my office shut prettyfuckingfast before I proceeded to flail about, combust, die, revive, then do it all over again.
Really Summit?
You're seriously trying to kill me aren't you?
And then as if THAT didn't kill me - THIS did. WHY? Because I am a sucker for these kinds of situations.
@kate_suena gets it.
I mean basically the entire honeymoon just... woah.

Gorgeous Honeymoon is Gorgeous
And how is bride Bella so pretty?
I think in a matter of three days, this trailer has been viewed by me FAR more than any of the other three trailers EVER. #truestory
And THEN our girl won the Best Female Performance and in absolute awkward, nervous Stew perfection - OWNED the stage AND the award.
YES. That is how it is done people.
And Natalie Portman don't even try to bitch about her calling you out. CLEARLY you only started dating your co-star cause you saw KStew do it first. [and this is coming from a total Natalie Portman lover - Garden State & Closer are two of my all-time favorites. And yeah I'm kidding about her dating her baby daddy cause Kstew did it. Kinda. Sorta. Well - who knows.]
So by the time Gary Busey rolled out in a hamster ball... which might I add was WINNING at it's best...

And OF COURSE Eclipse won Best Movie - BIG SURPRISE - again, don't mind me, I wanted The Social Network to win so yeah, let me sulk.
BUT Eclipse winning meant some perfect shots of the cast.... as well as some tender moments between only the hottest couple on the face of the earth...

And THEN our girl won the Best Female Performance and in absolute awkward, nervous Stew perfection - OWNED the stage AND the award.
YES. That is how it is done people.
And Natalie Portman don't even try to bitch about her calling you out. CLEARLY you only started dating your co-star cause you saw KStew do it first. [and this is coming from a total Natalie Portman lover - Garden State & Closer are two of my all-time favorites. And yeah I'm kidding about her dating her baby daddy cause Kstew did it. Kinda. Sorta. Well - who knows.]
So by the time Gary Busey rolled out in a hamster ball... which might I add was WINNING at it's best...

And OF COURSE Eclipse won Best Movie - BIG SURPRISE - again, don't mind me, I wanted The Social Network to win so yeah, let me sulk.
BUT Eclipse winning meant some perfect shots of the cast.... as well as some tender moments between only the hottest couple on the face of the earth...

oh rob.
you gots the look of love
LOVE them

"you say it best - when you say nothing at all"
MAYBE the show could have been funnier. MAYBE the set was like a really crazy trip on acid to Narnia. MAYBE Bieber decided he was cool enough to exit from backstage to accept his award [pukes] while embracing his inner Miami Vice. MAYBE we never got the highly anticipated R/K kiss we wanted. And MAYBE everyone WAS "chocolate wasted" on stage resulting in innapropriate F-Bombs, werd-vomit, and backstage funsies.
simply stunning

you gots the look of love

"you say it best - when you say nothing at all"
MAYBE the show could have been funnier. MAYBE the set was like a really crazy trip on acid to Narnia. MAYBE Bieber decided he was cool enough to exit from backstage to accept his award [pukes] while embracing his inner Miami Vice. MAYBE we never got the highly anticipated R/K kiss we wanted. And MAYBE everyone WAS "chocolate wasted" on stage resulting in innapropriate F-Bombs, werd-vomit, and backstage funsies.
Until next time, remember - "tequilla is like a Lays chip - you can never have just one."
[A/N: HUGE shout out to the lovely Jessie (@sianria) who volunteered to be my partner in crime for this years MTV Movie Awards. She basically made THE best homemade salsa on the planet. I kid you not. She also put up with any and all hyperventilating and that's why I love her.
To @j_carroll7 and @tiybor - I seriously do not know what I would do without your incredibly perfect tumblrs to snag pictures (and in this case gifs) from. YOU make blogging x10000 times easier. Seriously. Mad love to both of you.
Lastly - welcome ALL new followers! Please feel free to leave some love and say hello! I'd love to hear from you!
Next post - I think it's gonna be a fic rec! Stay tuned. - C xx]
[A/N: HUGE shout out to the lovely Jessie (@sianria) who volunteered to be my partner in crime for this years MTV Movie Awards. She basically made THE best homemade salsa on the planet. I kid you not. She also put up with any and all hyperventilating and that's why I love her.
To @j_carroll7 and @tiybor - I seriously do not know what I would do without your incredibly perfect tumblrs to snag pictures (and in this case gifs) from. YOU make blogging x10000 times easier. Seriously. Mad love to both of you.
Lastly - welcome ALL new followers! Please feel free to leave some love and say hello! I'd love to hear from you!
Next post - I think it's gonna be a fic rec! Stay tuned. - C xx]
First comment! yay!
Watching the MTV Awards was extremely entertaining with you darling :) (after I realized that Bell removed my MTV without notice.bitch!)
The salsa was great, but combining both was divine! I realized at midnight that I had ate more than half of it EVEN if I could barely taste it because of my damn cold :( but! I bought more ingredients to make another one, so I'll be able to see if it's that good!
Sooo my thoughts on the Awards? Good buuut I was a lil disappointed that Twilight won pretty much everything. I'm glad Emma Stone won for being funny, and I can't believe the little girl won for the best line. was that!
Alright, it's late and my dog's making weird noise in his sleep..and I'm wondering if Pat's dead. (Yep, we are still a quiet-sleeping-couple!)
*fuck, I missed so many "details" in this post. Like, I wanted to explain more about my little adventure with Bell..
and then talking about combining the salsa with what? Your guacamole! Mmm Guacamole :)
(I know you understood me, but...your fan could be a little confused... Pardon me, I'm French ;)
It was SO great to see Rob unfiltered. In all of his crazy wackiness. It was perfection. Kristen was absolutely stunning. 'Nuff said. (at BOTH events & pretty much always)
I have to agree with you. I was hoping Twilight wouldn't win everything. Best Kiss? Yea, I was hoping for that one! (I honestly believe they are waiting to lay it all out there for BD Part 2) But the thing is, it's the MTV Movie Awards & I don't think many fans of the other nominated films are really even voting. It saddens me that Inception never got the recognition it deserved for its brilliancy, at any the awards shows, really.
Great post guuuuuuuuuurl
<3 B
what fanfic are you reading right now?!
hey anonymous!
I just finished an amazing one today - stay tuned I'll be rec'ing it next week AND tomorrow night there will be another great fic rec headed this way!
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