Alright so it is OBVIOUSLY fake but oh my Lord.... *flails* How am I honestly suppose to recover from seeing this and actually be able to function without drooling all day long?
In all seriousness, if you are listening Summit Entertainment, Please inform your marketing staff to take this fan-made poster idea into serious consideration and make a real, awesome, HQ one. kthx.
On another note, how can Access Hollywood deny us any longer of the 'too hot for the movie' Edward and Bella makeout scene? Enough is ENOUGH. I watched your show last night. I watched your show tonight. I've now officially watched your show more in 24hrs than I have in the past year. You have succeeded in drawing me in now show me my FREAKING MAKEOUT SCENE.
I will forgive you because Nikki Reed is helping present the clip on Monday but pull this stunt again and I will never betray my ET ever again.
On a final note, I'm totally going to the midnight dvd release party of Twilight on March 20th at, well, midnight. My partner in crime? My lovely friend Ashley.
Yes we will totally wear Twilight tshirts. Yes we will totally probably wear Twilight inspired makeup. Yes, my Pocket Edward that has never left his box WILL attend sans box. Yes I'll document it. Yes I really have no life.
Can I come too?!?!?!
#1 > ET all the way fo shiz
#2> I want to run my tongue between that man's pecs
#3> You and Ash are officially losers...however, I look forward to the documentation
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